Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Missoula or Bust!

Welcome back! Seeing you here is the best part of my day.

Thursday morning I am off to beautiful Missoula, Montana. In case you aren't familiar with the area, it's just 3 miles left of NoMansLand, and 560 miles west of MiddleofNowhere. Hang a right immediately after the vast expanse of NothingForMilesandMiles ...just look for signs, you can't miss it.

I will be attending a wedding there, clad in bare feet. I got a pedicure this morning, just for the occasion. My toenails are now a luscious pearly pink. I feel pretty... oh so pretty...

You can assuredly expect a full report on my outing (complete with photographs in full technicolor) when I return home early next week. I can hardly wait to share them with you...the suspense is already killing me!

As previously stated in an earlier post, my procrastinating ways have yielded packing until this evening, mere hours before the trip ... just think of all the time I saved doing absolutely nothing for all those hours! I must get to packing. Alas, time is slowly creeping away and I must cut short our meeting here this fine evening. I have so much to tell you, but it simply must wait.

Feel free to catch up on past blog posts until I return. I would love to hear what your favorites are! Have a wonderful weekend! Until we meet again...

Peace out,


Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Have a great time! Can't wait for a report. I've been working in the church building getting ready for the fall sale.

latazyo said...

Montana is the best state in the union

its pretty sweet that you get to go there

Mary said...

Hi Heather,
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your kind comment. Have fun in the middle of nowhere. I look forward to reading all about it soon. :)