Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This doesn't look too dangerous...

Welcome back! I was wondering what took you so long!

Today was a gorgeous day... the temperature reached a cool 64 degrees fahrenheit (Go USA!) low winds, high visibility, barometric pressure was at "who knows, who cares" inches, humidity at 46%, dew point was "does it really matter?"degrees, UV index was low, and we had a delightful and light sprinkling of rain this morning. These are the prime ingredients for a delicious cookie of a day.

I was thinking these very thoughts as I made my way to my truck in the MSU parking lot after class today, when they were confirmed by a fellow passer-by:
"Beautiful day today, isn't it?!"
I turned my head to soak up his words and saw an elderly gentleman with a blue vest and a green flannel shirt. He looked like a friendly old codger.
I agreed, "It's a gorgeous day! I hope it stays this way now, until summer."
"Ha!" he quipped. "Famous last words."
We parted ways.

I spent a rather large chunk of the day analyzing his final comment. Everyone who ever lived and died has said his or her last words. What did they choose? Why are some famous? It seems as though the most famous of all last words are one of three things: 1) profound, 2)hilarious, or 3) idiotic. The great minds of this earth have muttered famous soliloquies with their final heartbeats. Great comedians thought quickly on their feet even when they were not, and left the world with their comedic legacy in-tact. This being said, the latter of the three, I can only imagine, would be the easiest to accomplish in a near-death situation (bear in mind, as well, that the idiotic phrase that was said, is usually an indication of the cause of death in the first place). Let's examine these probable last words:

Which wire was I supposed to cut?
I wonder where the mother bear is.
I've seen this done on TV a thousand times.
These are the good kind of mushrooms.
Ok, I'll hold it and you light the fuse.
You look just like Charles Manson.
Let it down slowly...
So, you're a cannibal.
This tastes funny.
Are you kidding me? I can do that with my eyes closed.
Bring me that knife, I want to try something.
Oh, don't be so superstitious.
Watch this!
I can pass this guy.
Nice Doggy.
I think it's trying to communicate!
Of course it's sturdy, I built it myself!
I don't think it's as deep as it looks.
Ooh... this thing has got to be dead.
I don't know, press the button and find out.
Let's split up, we'll cover more ground.
Don't worry, it's not contagious.
And you're sure the power is off?
How do you work this thing?
Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Don't worry, we outnumber them.
What's that beeping sound?
What's this do?
I'm sure it's just the wind.
There's no way this could get any worse.
Well! There's only one way to find out!
I know this great short-cut we can take.
I'll fix it, I'll fix it.
The expiration date was yesterday, I'm sure it's still fine.
No, we're not stopping to ask for directions.
Does this look infected to you?
Just patch it for now.
I think we can wait and fill up at the next station.
Don't worry, this thing hasn't worked in a long time.
Just get up on the cabinet and reach as far as you can.
Don't turn it on until I tell you to.

If you're concerned you will not memorably leave your mark on this world, you could do what I do...I say idiotic things all the time, just incase they are my last, I have a greater chance of them reaching fame status. "I'm just leaving my mark on the world!" Perhaps your last words will be "Wow, that was such a great blog."

Peace out,

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