Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This doesn't look too dangerous...

Welcome back! I was wondering what took you so long!

Today was a gorgeous day... the temperature reached a cool 64 degrees fahrenheit (Go USA!) low winds, high visibility, barometric pressure was at "who knows, who cares" inches, humidity at 46%, dew point was "does it really matter?"degrees, UV index was low, and we had a delightful and light sprinkling of rain this morning. These are the prime ingredients for a delicious cookie of a day.

I was thinking these very thoughts as I made my way to my truck in the MSU parking lot after class today, when they were confirmed by a fellow passer-by:
"Beautiful day today, isn't it?!"
I turned my head to soak up his words and saw an elderly gentleman with a blue vest and a green flannel shirt. He looked like a friendly old codger.
I agreed, "It's a gorgeous day! I hope it stays this way now, until summer."
"Ha!" he quipped. "Famous last words."
We parted ways.

I spent a rather large chunk of the day analyzing his final comment. Everyone who ever lived and died has said his or her last words. What did they choose? Why are some famous? It seems as though the most famous of all last words are one of three things: 1) profound, 2)hilarious, or 3) idiotic. The great minds of this earth have muttered famous soliloquies with their final heartbeats. Great comedians thought quickly on their feet even when they were not, and left the world with their comedic legacy in-tact. This being said, the latter of the three, I can only imagine, would be the easiest to accomplish in a near-death situation (bear in mind, as well, that the idiotic phrase that was said, is usually an indication of the cause of death in the first place). Let's examine these probable last words:

Which wire was I supposed to cut?
I wonder where the mother bear is.
I've seen this done on TV a thousand times.
These are the good kind of mushrooms.
Ok, I'll hold it and you light the fuse.
You look just like Charles Manson.
Let it down slowly...
So, you're a cannibal.
This tastes funny.
Are you kidding me? I can do that with my eyes closed.
Bring me that knife, I want to try something.
Oh, don't be so superstitious.
Watch this!
I can pass this guy.
Nice Doggy.
I think it's trying to communicate!
Of course it's sturdy, I built it myself!
I don't think it's as deep as it looks.
Ooh... this thing has got to be dead.
I don't know, press the button and find out.
Let's split up, we'll cover more ground.
Don't worry, it's not contagious.
And you're sure the power is off?
How do you work this thing?
Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Don't worry, we outnumber them.
What's that beeping sound?
What's this do?
I'm sure it's just the wind.
There's no way this could get any worse.
Well! There's only one way to find out!
I know this great short-cut we can take.
I'll fix it, I'll fix it.
The expiration date was yesterday, I'm sure it's still fine.
No, we're not stopping to ask for directions.
Does this look infected to you?
Just patch it for now.
I think we can wait and fill up at the next station.
Don't worry, this thing hasn't worked in a long time.
Just get up on the cabinet and reach as far as you can.
Don't turn it on until I tell you to.

If you're concerned you will not memorably leave your mark on this world, you could do what I do...I say idiotic things all the time, just incase they are my last, I have a greater chance of them reaching fame status. "I'm just leaving my mark on the world!" Perhaps your last words will be "Wow, that was such a great blog."

Peace out,

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

Welcome back to the blog. It's just not the same without you here.

It seems as though the sun rose ferociously early this morning. I broke out in a lash of disgust and anguish for my tormentingly sweltering covers as I felt Mr. Sun's fiery rays bearing down on me in my state of sleep. I glared out the window with one eye partially open, my right cheek still smashed into my pillow, "I bet you think you're funny, don't you, sun?!" I said with reluctance. He just beamed. Being the morning person that I am, I followed suit and awoke at the crack of dawn: a stifling 10:30am. I say if people were meant to pop out of bed, we'd all sleep in toasters. "Morning People" as they are lovingly referred to, only comprise approximately 10% of Earth's population...that's 1 out of every 10 of whom, lives with me. I'm not convinced they are a necessary breed...perhaps only so there is someone to tell me 'good morning' as I awake...but tell me 'good morning' before I awake and you're in for a rude awakening... mine. Years ago while traveling, I was once greeted with a 6:00am 'Carpe Diem!'. Well, 'Carpe Diem' at 6:00am does not make me want to seize the day. It makes me want to slap a dead poet.

There is a story of a Chinese man who had himself wakened three times every morning simply for the pleasure of being told it was not yet time to get up. I don't know who or where you are sir, but brav-o. There is no greater sigh of relief after throwing yourself awake to the possible horror of oversleeping, only to discover the clock reads a heavenly 2:00am... we've all been there at some point.

The only time I am fine with dawn, is if I'm still up. Benjamin Franklin said, "Early morning hath gold in its mouth." ...Gold? More like bad breath.

Nonetheless by the grace of God, I miraculously found my way out of my bedroom and into the hallway. I grabbed the fluffiest towel I could find (the fluffier, the better...naturally) and stumbled into the bathroom for my daily cleansing ritual, known to some as a "shower". I ran the water to my desired temperature, and the ritual began. I squeezed the shampoo bottle (attention shampoo/conditioner manufacturers: If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: If you want me to lather, rinse, and in fact repeat, make the bottle out of a substance that ensures maximum grip. A lathered hand is a slippery hand), and began step one as directed. As my Garnier Fructis Fortifying Shampoo began to work its magic (you're welcome, Garnier), I reasoned that I could tolerate the water temperature to be kicked up a few notches. I clumsily decided that the perfect moment to adjust the knob was the exact moment that the sudsy wash oozed into my eyes and partially blinded me. I blindly reached for the knob and turned it. In a flash, I turned from contently humming "zip-a-dee-doo-dah" to a unbelievably frigid state of bodily shock in an icy rain. Almost instantaneously, I shrieked from the depths of my lungs and leaped out of the shower in a way that would have put Kermit to an embarrassing shame. After regaining my breath, my composure, and my normal flesh color, I--quite thoroughly alert now, mind you--returned the knob up to its originally intended degree and brought my cleansing session to a close. I swaddled myself in the fluffy towel, shuffled back to my room, and believe it or not, found something to wear. I grabbed my school bag, hopped in the car, rolled the window down, cranked up the radio (mostly so I look cool while driving), stopped at the holy temple called Pita Pit, and cruised off to school.

Today is Tuesday--SEM lab day: I sit in a dark room and recalculate mineral equations based on x-ray microanalyses graphs from the energy dispersive spectrometer for my sample. In layman's terms: I squint at the computer for a few hours. Each day I comprehend a little bit more, and that is sufficient for thing at a time. I will continue to take life one day at a time until I don't have any more days left...or until I run out of mornings, whichever comes first.

Peace out,

Monday, April 28, 2008

Procrastinators Unite! ...Tomorrow

Welcome back. I'm glad you're here again, I missed seeing your smiling face.

Who doesn't love a Monday?!? It's a day to start fresh, a day to organize tasks for the week ahead, a day to prepare. It's also a day to work faster than the Andretti boys to hurry up and finish what you should have completed Friday afternoon. I myself am no stranger to this thing we call procrastination. In fact, I like to think I excel at of the greats, if you will (and indeed, you will)...I am the Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordon, Babe Ruth, Socrates, and Walt Disney himself of "saving tasks for a later date." One day perhaps others will be known as the "Heather Fogarty" of hockey, basketball, baseball, philosophy, and imagination.

I like to think of procrastination as something of an art form, to be perfected. It is the art of keeping up with yesterday. I feel it is the key to prolonging life; the sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up. It is the greatest labor-saving invention of all time! I hope Mr. Procrast is a rich and happy man, may we all pay homage. "Someday" is, in fact, a day of the week.

It is imperative that skeptics understand the notion that if not for the last minute, we procrastinators would finish nothing. I do my best work under pressure. If deadlines are met, there is no issue of a problem. We procrastinators--the good ones--have calculated to the exact hundredth of a second, precisely how much time we have until we do need to desperately get to work, and will not lift a finger until such a moment. It is an exact science of pure quantitative analyses of time. I am therefore a scientist, a procrastologist, and have no quibbles regarding other procrastinators out there, who call themselves the same. Paging Doctor Fogarty...

For those of you students who favor the last minute lifestyle, I have compiled a timeline that will aid you in your next assignment. Take Notes:

1)Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well lit setting in front of your computer.

2)Log onto MSN and Yahoo messenger (on "away" status, of course).

3)Read over the assignment carefully, to make certain you understand it.

4)Check the fridge and cupboard to obtain the snacks and drinks necessary to aid in concentration of completing your project.

5)Check your email--Any important messages should be taken care of immediately... You don't need that hanging over your head while you try to focus on your work.

6)Call up a friend and ask if he/she wants to go to grab a cup of Joe. There is certainly no use in getting started if you don't have enough fuel to make it through the night.

7)When you get back to your room...sit straight, comfortable chair, well lit place.

8)Read over the assignment again to make absolutely certain you understand it. You would hate to do all that work for nothing.

9)Check your email.

10)You know, you haven’t written to that kid you met at camp since fourth grade. You’d better write that letter now and get it out of the way so you can concentrate.

11) You notice there is something in your teeth, better extract that or it will bother you the whole time. 5 minutes in the mirror will suffice.

12)Download a few new tunes off of itunes... the atmosphere has to promote work.

13)Check your email.

14) Check Time and Temp. Maybe it will snow tonight and school will be cancelled.

15)Check your email.

16)Check your phone - no one is urgently trying to reach you, are they?

17)Call another friend with the same assignment and ask if she’s started writing yet. Exchange derogatory remarks about your professor, the course, the college, the world at large.

18)Walk to the store and buy a pack of gum. You’ve probably run out by now.

19)While you’ve got the gum you may as well buy a magazine and read it, you hate to break a $20 just for a pack of gum. It's nice to stretch your legs, anyway.

20)Check your email.

21)Check the newspaper listings to make sure you aren’t missing something truly worthwhile on TV.

22)Play some solitaire.


24)Refill your beverage.

25)Call up a friend to see how much they have done, probably haven’t started either.

26)Check email.

27)Sit down and do some serious thinking about your plans for the future. It's never to early to start thinking about that!

28)Check your school's webpage. There could be some important information on there that you need to know.

29)Check your email.

30)You should be rebooting by now, assuming that windows is crashing on schedule.

31)Read over the assignment one more time, just for the heck of it.

32)Scoot your chair across the room to the window and watch the sunrise.

33)Lie face down on the floor and moan.

34)Visualize yourself doing the project.

35)Check your email.


37)5am - start hacking on the paper without stopping. 6am -paper is finished.

38)Complain to everyone that you didn’t get any sleep because you had to stay up all night to write that stupid paper.

39) Hand it in.

40) Sleep the rest of the day.

This is how it's done. If you truly want to be a procrastologist, you may have to learn a thing or 2 from me. But there's no need to start now... try a Monday.

Peace out,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

Welcome back to the blog. Good to have you here again; I hope you had/have a great day today.

My days are mostly mundane, fairly straightforward, and equally routine: wake-up, think about actually getting up, decide against it, sleep another 10 minutes, get out of bed, hope we have fruity pebbles, look for fruity pebbles, find no fruity pebbles, shower, daze out for a good 5-10 minutes, get dressed, change my mind, get dressed again, grab my bag and I'm ready to go.

Once out the door, the world is my oyster. I have yet to shuck it, but it is mine, apparently. I didn't even know that the world became an oyster, and already I'm the owner. I'm not even particularly fond of seafood in general. I can't imagine why I would ever want a huge earth-sized oyster... Where would I put it? I think my hands would get clammy from holding it all day (thank you, I'll be here all week). Maybe I wouldn't have to hold it, maybe it would just latch on to me. Will my dog leave it alone? I picture our sheltie in a dead stare with it, barking until he's hoarse--no surprise there... if he barks at candles, he's sure to bark at a giant sea creature. The neighbors would complain. I would probably sell it on EBay. What if it turned on me? I would have to say that the odds of surviving as the victor in a fight against a mollusk of that magnitude are grossly non-proportional. Oysters are literally all muscle on the inside...I wouldn't stand a chance.

Until my oyster is delivered to me, I continue on in my daily habits as usual. For example, at approximately 2:15 this afternoon, I conformed to the traffic rules and let a pedestrian cross the road. This may not seem worthy of mention, until one takes into consideration the fact that she was fully clothed in pajamas. My instincts told me to wake her up: "She's sleep walking in traffic, wake her up!" I thought to myself. I came to my senses and realized she was just wearing her pajamas as an outfit, perhaps to save time in the morning. People, listen up: PJ's have yellow duckies, frogs with sunglasses, and ice-skating polar bears on them for one reason, and one reason only: So that they are not worn in the broad daylight of public. My mind started to wonder... Did she shower this morning? Was it pajama day at school? Has she no other clothes? Was she running late? Maybe they're flannel hospital scrubs? Perplexing. There is one, and only one, socially acceptable reason to adorn pajama pants (mind you always to be accompanied by a t-shirt and coat), and that is the 2:00am "Oh crap I need this before tomorrow" Wal-Mart Run. Any other reason is an utterly inadmissible faux pas.

Alas, the unobjectionable pajama hour is fast approaching. Soon I will lay in bed and look up at the stars in the sky and think to myself, 'Where the heck is the ceiling??' and drift blissfully into dreamland, for the start of another mostly mundane, fairly straightforward, and equally routine day.

Peace out,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

School's... (Almost) Out ... Fo'... Summah!

Welcome to the Blog! Oh how I've missed you so! It's good to have you back.

As the spring school semester comes yet again to a glorious close, I reflect on the year's notable accomplishments:

I have worked on my senior seminar analyses of Square Butte Heavy Minerals, and, I have learned how to operate the Scanning Electron Microscope (a.k.a. "SEM"... not that I expect you to take an interest in how we nerds refer to it, as we adjust our pocket protectors and snap our rainbow striped suspenders). I am on the road to a magnificent tour de force in December - Hallelujah! I diligently (sometimes hostilely) work on my much as I can tolerate in one sitting. It's as if the light is at the end of the tunnel, but it's not enough to see where I'm going quite yet. I've always thought that expression was weird. Everyone always says it to me when I talk about school: "Don't worry, there's a light at the end of the tunnel!" ...Why am I always in a tunnel? And if so, why is a light at the end of it a positive thing? Wouldn't a light at the end of a tunnel indicate a train? Maybe people are implying I'm a train wreck...? I'd like to start the expression, "Don't worry, there's a $100 bill at the end!" I think everyone would work a little harder; I know I would...even if I was in a tunnel.

I have travelled to and fro our great white neighbors to the north and enjoyed my stays there tremendously. I marvelled at the Niagara Falls. My vocal chords and Kyle's hearing were strained at the scariest haunted house known to man...I nearly wet myself... I might have, I can't be sure. I also realized a new goal of mine is to actually buy and eat (in that order) a peanut butter cup the size of my face--oh yes, Reese and his good men have gone above and beyond the call of duty...a 6 inch diameter of a harmonious blend of chocolate and peanut butter never fails to impress. It could have been made of gold... I wouldn't be any fonder of it (but at a $30 price tag, it practically was).

I sat front row, on the glass, at a Red Wings NHL Hockey game-- a feat all too well accomplished for an undeserving non-hockey-fan. I consider myself a hockey "supporter". I may gain "fan" status in the years to come, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. I just recently learned and now loosely grasp the concept of "icing" (if that makes you think of frosting, you're not alone). I will say that I do love being in an enthusiastic crowd, the smell of day-old hot dogs, the squeaky crunch of stale popcorn, sticky seats, and cheering on the home team in any sporting event - in person, but being an American, I am willingly obligated to be partial to a little sport that I like to call "Baseball."

I used coupon after coupon, and continually received everything at a discount, if not for free. The coups are out there, you just have to find them. Nothing brings sheer unadulterated joy and satisfaction to my being like knowing I paid way less than the guy in front of me. ...Should have used a coup, bro... should have used a coup. Everything is much more appealing when it's free. I would be hundreds of dollars the poorer if it weren't for coupons.

I learned to take life a little bit of salt. Most things are not that big of a deal. It's okay if you are a little bit late. It's okay if everything isn't perfect. It's okay if everything doesn't go according to plan... if it doesn't, it wasn't supposed to. If things don't seem to be going your way, just remember that everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end. I mean, don't worry...there's a 100 dollar bill at the end.

Peace out,

Friday, April 25, 2008

I decided to start up a blog again, on a whim. Loyal fans will remember a full-fledged blog a few years ago... back then it wasn't even called a "blog" yet. Where have the years gone?! Stay in touch for daily updates on my life and my thoughts on anything I feel you need to know.
If you come back to visit the blog in the future, be sure to type in my full name ( or it will direct you to another Heather Fogarty, whose hopes and dreams are assumably being shattered in Hollywood. Clearly we are not the same.
My last "blog" (aka "The Daily Rant") was faithfully updated each day. I will try to keep up and do the same this time around. Enjoy.

Welcome to your new favorite blog.